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Exploring kindness to horses as a principle of training at Hart's Horsemanship


Updated: Nov 9, 2024

Pony-patter – a derogative term -means someone seen as soft and weak around horses, allowing them to do whatever they want and having no boundaries. And being too soft on equids. Patting them and loving them rather than showing them who the boss is. Equivalent status to a tree hugger

I was introduced to the term Pony-Patter recently. The advert read that a lady wanted help getting her horse to ride out, no pony patters, please.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I did both.

It seems the term is used by some people who have a preference for a more traditional approach to describe people who use kinder, more science-based positive reinforcement training. I could believe the sheer negative connotations of the term.


Has the horse world changed so little that using positive reinforcement, proven scientific principles and exploring kindness to horses as a principle of training while building relationships with equids is so misunderstood that people with little comprehension of what is involved in understanding equine behaviour attempt to belittle progress to avoid questioning the outdated treatment of horses, donkeys and mules?

I know people get scared, and rather than explore the possibilities, they write off other people's attempts to grow and learn to become better people for their horses. The advert might just as well read, wanted someone to show my pony who is boss. Force them through their negative emotions with little care for how my horse may feel or without a care for their safety or understanding why the behaviour might exist, and be willing to give him a good smack if he starts being silly.

I know we are all on a journey and everyone is entitled to their opinions. I know we are starting and coming from somewhere and are at different places on our journeys with horses.  I have taught that for 20 years, so if you are offended by my response to the term pony patter, do me the same justice and allow me to be on my journey to improve the lives of horses, donkeys and mules. My mission is to help educate people about the benefits of using the science of behaviour and kindness.

Black and white photo of a bridle and tight drop nose band words saying Horses value kindness not winning why not try winning with kindness
It is time we valued more than just winning

It is just wrong when people use such defamatory terms to describe those people who seek to progress the treatment of equids and make the world a better place for them.

I guess fear drives people to push away the unknown. Fear that they will have to question their behaviour. Fear that years of learning about how horses “must” be trained will need to be rewritten. Fear of not knowing what to do. Fear of just letting go of what they know to gain new perspectives.

If being kind to equids as a principle of training and using positive reinforcement to enhance learning, setting boundaries and teaching through rewarding desired behaviour and learning to listen and value the animals’ perception as a way of finding and treating the causes of behaviour rather than the symptoms makes me a pony patter then I am happy with the label.

If the label Pony-patter holds back other people from searching for better answers for their equids or horses, donkeys, and mules, and people are treated harshly because they fear searching for better answers, then I am mad as hell that the term is in use.

Anyway, pony-patters don’t pat, they scratch as it is a more effective way of communicating and rewarding behaviour lowering heart rate and rewarding good behaviour.

Please share this post to make people think and question what we do to our horses, donkeys and mules when we label things this way.

human hand on a white horses head under their forelock word shouing kindness to a horse is not a weakness, it actually demonstrates great courage
Showing kindness requires great courage

If you want to find a community where it is ok to be a pony-patter if you want to be, in fact, it is celebrated, then come and join the Equine Centred Behaviour Community with Ben Hart and learn about the practical application of the science of behaviour, personal development, human behaviour change and putting your horse, donkey or mule at the centre of everything you do.

I am not a pony patter, I am only patting ponies until the pony patter comes and teaches me how to scratch them.

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