Events diary
This is where you will find details of all planned events
When it comes to understanding more about equine
behaviour so they can help their horse, most owners
want a more individual approach and someone who
helps them to help their horse. To help owners reach
their goals, I use my experience in the practical application of animal and human behaviour to deliver ethical, safe, sustainable training based on individual needs.
Humour and action create memorable learning. I endeavour to make the training interactive and fun while delivering proven behavioural science to provide honest, up-to-date behavioural knowledge that participants can trust. Participants also really benefit from seeing the theory's practical application put into practice.

Events list
January 2025
Equine-centred behaviour community opens for new members.
Feb 2025
Solving Separation Distress course opens for new participants
​September/Oct 2025 BHS demonstration Bristol
Please check back or join the mailing list to be informed of new events before they sell out. Visit the contact page to email ben or join the mailing list.
If you want to organise an event then please visit the organising events page for more information
There are other ways I can help you and give you the support you are looking for, please check the next steps section for ideas
Next steps
You can use this website to find the answers to your next steps with me, whether that be to resolve a behaviour issue, learn about behaviour in general or read more or find the shaping plan you need. There are free podcast links on working with behaviour and building relationships on the free resources page to see if I am the trainer for you.