Organising events
If you are considering organising an event, thank you. you are making it possible for me to reach more horses, donkeys and mules.
I offer different events to meet your needs or those of your yard, organisation, club or group.
These might include:
Live or recorded webinar
Conference presentations, live and recorded
Online Q & A session
Evening talks on equine behaviour and learning
Lecture demonstration
One day clinic
Two-day workshop
Specific learning modules or days for training students
Staff training in equine behaviour, online or live
Bespoke training and learning
Human behaviour change events and learning
Business training and facilitation for welfare and equine organisations
Topics, around animal and human behaviour focus on the specific needs of the audience for each event.
So if you have an idea for a event let me know

I am busy and try to maintain a work-life balance, walking the talk and all that! So, I limit the number of events I attend.
​I tend not to organise events myself but prefer an individual, organisation, group, charity, etc. to organise an event for me or include me. You know your audience and what they need or want to learn. You know the suitable venues and where to advertise if you had to. You have access to an audience that I may not know.
I run private events every year for organisations, these are not advertised, or only advertised to a specific community and are open only to their selected participants.
I make each event or training bespoke for the audience, and all training uses Human Behaviour Change principles.
For lecture demos, workshops and clinics,
I don't have cheaper spectator seats, as I like to involve everyone and answer everyone's questions. I don't charge extra for horse places as I feel they have come to help us learn and I don't want to put extra pressure on the owner or horse. I prefer to work with equids that live at the venue or are experienced in travel and only have to travel less than 60 minutes.
I have online resources that can be combined or created to suit your needs as an organisation. I can create an online resource just for your group, combining access to live online sessions, online courses, and resources with face-to-face elements. These are especially suited to people and groups outside the UK.
The best way to get started is to email your requirements through the contact page with details of the type of event, audience, what you want to achieve, location, and time scales, and we can start a conversation about what might be possible.
"Ben provides a lively, vibrant and memorable training course"
"The classroom sessions were informative and made hugely entertaining by Ben's delivery style"
Brian Dalton RSPCA head of training
"I was also at the workshop, and can honestly say, Ben is the first horse trainer I have ever met to be utterly egoless, completely refreshing! He makes an awful lot of sense about training horses and their behaviour but also makes you realise just how much their behaviour is down to you. He really does not follow one method but uses the science of equine behaviour mixed in with positive thought to shape training and behaviour.
Workshop Participant
Next steps
You can use this website to find the answers to your next steps with me, whether that be to resolve a behaviour issue, learn about behaviour in general or read more or find the shaping plan you need. If you want to check me out futher please visit the free resources page to see if I am the trainer for you.