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Science of behaviour

Learning the practical application of the science of behaviour is the best way to protect your horse and yourself from all the bad advice you might receive. Understanding the science means you can tell if what a trainer says and does are the same thing. You can know if the advice you are given will fit your principles. You will be less likely to be taken in by the next new thing because you can assess it based on the science of behaviour.



harts hoprsemanship logo brown horses head  with curly mane on  white back ground
Black horse with white large white mane with the wordsbehaviour as communication

How can the science of behaviour
help you?

Sharing scientific principles

Many equine owners now feel paralysis with so many different opinions on how you should be with your horse, donkey or mule. Trainers, internet forums, yard experts, well-meaning friends and horse whisperers to name but a few, don’t get me wrong there is some good advice, but much like finding a prince, you might have to kiss a few frogs first to find what you are looking for. With all this information, we tend to become stuck not knowing who to believe and what to do for the best.


​​The science of behaviour will help you understand and communicate with your horse, it is the foundation of everything else.


I believe in putting the animal first in every situation, always working with the principle of “do no harm,” a principle which creates safe, ethical training. To achieve this I use the practical application of the science of behaviour, not methods built on personal interpretation, marketing or showmanship skills. I believe in educating owners so they can develop their skills and apply the science of behaviour to their unique situations​


I have spent 24 years sharing the science of behaviour and I have learnt that if you can build a strong knowledge and understanding of just six key scientific principles, you will communicate more effectively with your horse, donkey or mule.


Lacking the knowledge to apply these six areas causes many people to struggle with communication and makes it difficult to overcome behaviour issues or train new behaviours. When you apply the science of behaviour practically, you will develop successful, safe equine relationships.


"Ben delivers a grounded and well-rounded approach to horsemanship based on both theoretical knowledge and his own over 20 years of experience. Far from dry "science, it is delivered with warmth and humour. His approach allows to you to become a student of both your horse and yourself in a relationship with your horse. There is no one-size-fits-all all, but a recognition that this is a relationship between two individuals who both have their experiences of the world and must come to understand each other within their capacity to do so. Ben has helped me demystify so much of what is served up to us in our desperate search to get that relationship right. It reinforces everything I have learned from my own horses over the years and added what they wished I had known. "   Lynn jenkin

Three horses, two mutual grooming inthe background one grey horse standing at the front looking at camera words My talent is wated, Thought no horse ever

Next steps

You can use this website to find the answers to your next steps with me, whether that be to resolve a behaviour issue, learn about behaviour in general or read more or find the shaping plan you need. If you want to check me out futher please visit the free resources page to see if I am the trainer for you.

Free video

How to train horse behaviour with positive reinforcement


"this is the best and clearest explanation of positive reinforcement training I've ever seen!!"

Free ebook

10 tips for working with equine behaviour

Online Course


How to communicate so your equine can easily understand you.

In this equine-centred approach to training. Using these 6 simple scientific principles you can simply and safely improve communication with our equines without force, pain, quick fixes or expensive equipment. 

IAABC_ and certified animal behaviour consultant logo
ABTC registered accredited animal behaviourist logo

 ebooks and shaping plans

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