Regaining Confidence
Is a lack of confidence making you feel lost, frustrated, and fearful about doing what you want with your horse? Or does it make you feel like you are not good enough? A loss of confidence can have many causes, but you can reclaim your confidence and set yourself and your horse free from the restriction and fear that a lack of confidence creates. There is no age limit on confidence or minimum experience level required to become more confident. ​

The place to find your confidence is not on the back of your horse, it is inside you.
What is your story?
So often, the advice you receive for lost confidence is either, “You just need to be more confident,” like, you didn’t know that already! If it was that easy, we would all be super confident. So many people struggle with a lack of confidence in some way. It doesn’t help when we compare ourselves to others or are told “just to ride through it.”
No one can know what you feel or how you experience a lack of confidence, so I focus on helping you find your way back to confidence—no judgement, no impossible exercises, and safely. I help people to find their path to horsemanship and to reach their potential, whatever that is for them. You can achieve your dreams, ride out again without fear, and work with your horse without self-doubt. All you need is a plan of action and the desire to follow the plan.
Everyone I have met who has lost their confidence or never found it, has a story they are telling themselves in their heads and repeating out loud to friends. What story are you telling yourself? The more we tell our negative story, the stronger our fear becomes. I will help you stop telling the story and start seeing the potential in you.
“If you can stop overthinking, tame the little voice and still the negative self-talk, you will start to feel the truth. The feeling that you can do it is the feeling you have just before your thoughts tell you to stop being silly and give up. When you break the habit of negative thoughts, you will feel the relationship you “know” you can have with your equine, the future you can have and deserve. You feel the glow of possibility and the sense of unlimited power to decide your own destiny and belief that you are good enough.”
The place to rebuild your confidence is not on the back of your horse; it is alongside your horse. Work on your mindset to build a strong foundation of self-belief and trust in yourself and your horse. Then, follow a safe, step-by-step plan to regain your confidence—no risks, no drama.
Lack of confidence and fear are your friends, learn to listen to them, to stay safe, don’t be tempted to overrule them, until it is part of your plan, but even then still listen to them don’t over ride fear or deride yourself for lacking confidence. It's your brains way of keeping you safe.
Ben Hart

“Hi Ben, last night I completed the My Story exercise, and I wanted to let you know what a profound healing exercise that was for me. The most inciteful question was the one about what advice I would give a friend who came to me with that story. I realised that I already know the answers, strategies and support I can give myself to move on from this story. I now have a deep sense of peace and healing, and know that I have stopped running this story, and can move on. So, thank you xxo” Catherine Arndell
I was literally saying to people this week at a behaviour meeting that if it wasn’t for the course I took with you I would have given up not only on my horse but horses full stop. I felt inadequate but you made me realise that I wasn’t inadequate, I was actually keeping to my principles and those people that mocked me for it were actually people I don’t respect as horsemen.
In my humble opinion we just need more of you! Sue Stopforth
Next steps
You can use this website to find the answers to your next steps with me, whether that be to resolve a behaviour issue, learn about behaviour in general or read more or find the shaping plan you need. If you want to check me out futher please visit the free resources page to see if I am the trainer for you.
Online Course
Some trainers and experts will tell you “you just need to be more confident.” Like you didn’t know that already. But, how do you become more confident? That’s the question I will answer for you in this course, letting you build your personal escape plan, so you are free to be with your equines in any way you choose.