Welcome to Hart’s Horsemanship.
Ben Hart
I guess you are visiting Hart's Horsemanship because you care about horses, donkeys or mules. You always do your best for them. However, the equine world can be challenging, with many different opinions and methods.
You have a wealth of experience and knowledge, even though you might not acknowledge it or don't yet fully trust your intuition. You want to learn more about equine behaviour. Overcome a behaviour issue or build the relationship you have always dreamt of.
If you feel stressed about what to do next, unsure how to get the right support for your horse, or want to learn more about behaviour please scroll through the questions below to find the right help and support as quickly as possible. Or use the menu at the top of the page.

A tiny bit about me
As a trainer and certified behaviourist with 24 years of worldwide experience, I use the proven science of behaviour to support horses, donkeys, mules and their humans. You already know there is no one size fits all. However, all equine/human relationships and behaviour issues will benefit from a greater understanding of the science of behaviour. Let me help you and your equines live your best lives through the practical application of science and let's have some fun while we do it.
When I say horse, I am talking about horses, donkeys and mules. I work with all three. If I say mule or donkey I am describing their different behaviour characteristics. [2] donkeys are different.
Learn more about me and my journey in the about Ben page.

“I can only say again how happy I am to have found you, that is a wonderful gift. Thank you thank you, thank you for the great work and the many great materials you create for us and all the ideas and experiences you share with us. It is so good to have the chance to build the foundation with your expertise and the science of behavior.” Claudia USA
What's your question?
Can you help with behaviour issues and training to help my horse?
I have a specific behaviour issue with my horse, donkey, or mule. I want them to be calm and safe, but what’s the best way to move forward? I want help with general training, including loading, vet, feet handling, catching, leading, riding out on roads, etc.
My horse won’t leave their companions, they get stressed if I try. Separation distress (anxiety)
My horse doesn’t want to leave their companions. They are reactive and we can’t easily go out for rides, or even get back to the stable alone. I would love them to trust me. How do I solve separation distress?
I feel I need more regular support, do you do that?
I would love more long-term support, can you support me? I don't live in the UK can you still support me? I feel isolated in my current environment, I would love to learn and connect with like-minded supportive people who put their horses, donkeys and mules’ behaviour at the centre of what they do.
Ben Hart has changed the way I see and work with my horses. He has a true understanding of equines, and can help you find a way to work with yours that involves trust, confidence-building, and safe yet progressive stretching of comfort zones. Along with in-person clinics and training, Ben offers an absolute gold mine of e-books and online learnings. He's also built an incredible online "equine centered community" for his students and like-minded equestrians. So even if you can't get to Ben in person, you can still take full advantage of his amazing wealth of knowledge.
Pam Levy